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Daily Word | “Pray to Overcome Temptation”| Kingdom Learners

October 7, 2022

We can pray to overcome temptation! Did you know that temptation is a common thing? The apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:13 there is no temptation which has overtaken us except what is common to man. So, we can pray to overcome temptation.

In the Lord’s prayer, Jesus asks our Father to deliver us from temptation (Matthew 6:13), because he knows that it is common for us to face trials and temptations.

In fact, Jesus even warns his followers about falling into temptation because he knows that our spirit is willing to abstain, but our flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41).

So don’t be ashamed, being tempted is how the enemy conducts his business. But, God will always provide a way out and you can combat the schemes of the devil by praying for God to deliver you from satan’s deceitful ways.

In fact, James tells us that we are blessed when we overcome temptation and that we are promised to receive the crown of life for persevering through our trials (James 1:12).

Here is the crux of the matter: we will all face many trials and temptations, but God will always provide us a way out so that we are not crushed by our own sinful desires.

Enjoy today’s video on Praying to Overcome Temptation, and click the links below if you want to catch up on any episodes you have missed in our series on prayer:

  1. What is Prayer
  2. Why should I pray
  3. The Power of Prayer
  4. God Hears Our Prayer

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