• Home Church

    Creating a safe space for believers to gather and grow in their relationships with one another, and the Lord.

  • Home Church

    Creating a safe space for
    believers to gather and grow in
    their relationships with one
    another, and the Lord.


Our local churches have led the way for us to gather in communal worship, learn from highly trained pastors, and assemble for communion. In order to assist them in growing the kingdom, we believe that home churches allow the body of Christ to expound on this by keeping the fire burning all week long, and not just on Sundays.

Thus, a home church is a safe and intimate space where believers can meet to extend the work of our local churches by offering deeper and more relational gatherings. Home churches take us further into God’s kingdom by offering the following:


Breaking bread and strengthening the bond of unity


Getting to know the flock on a more personal level


Empowering the body to discuss scripture and ask questions


Welcoming participants to use their God-given gifts


Offering personal prayer and ministry as needed


Meeting in multiple homes throughout the week


Would you ever consider eating one large meal on Sunday, and abstaining from meals the rest of the week? Seems absurd, right? Home churches offer spaces for believers to meet in familial settings throughout the week to keep feasting on the daily bread of scripture and to grow in unity through ongoing fellowship.

We do not hold any anti-establishment views of the Church, nor do we desire to compete with local churches. Quite the opposite. We feel compelled to begin home churches to build up the body of Christ, and come alongside our brothers and sisters in the Church to accomplish this goal. We are merely interested in fattening the sheep of local congregations, not stealing them.


The early Christians had limited public places to worship for fear of persecution, so they opened their homes to break bread, learn from the apostles, pray together, gather in unity, praise God for his favor, and to worship the King of Kings (Acts 2:42-47).

Throughout the New Testament, Paul pays homage to many of the home churches and their leaders. For instance, 1 Corinthians 16:19 says, “Aquila and Priscilla, together with the church in their house, send you hearty greetings in the Lord.” In his letter to the Romans, Paul again sends greetings to Priscilla and Aquila, thanking them for risking their lives for Christ and sends his love to the church that meets in their home (Romans 16:3-5). In his letter to the churches of Colossae, Paul states, “Give my greetings to the brothers and sisters at Laodicea, and to Nympha and the church in her house” (Colossians 4:15).

The author of the book of Hebrews reminds us that now is not the time to pull away from and neglect meeting together. In fact, the author implored the people that now is the time to gather even more frequently, being eager to strengthen and encourage one another (Hebrews 10:25).

Since 2018, we have followed the biblical examples set before us and have opened our home to gather with the body of Christ and encourage one another to grow in the full measure of Christ. We have used our gifts to breathe life into others in hopes to equip them for works of ministry that God had already set before each of them.

And now, we encourage you to open your doors, gather with friends and family, and show them the ways of the kingdom. Study His word together. Have a meal. Fellowship. Pray. Worship the One True King and help each other grow in the image of Christ. You don’t need a curriculum, degree, or church building, just put all of your trust in the Father and let His Holy Spirit guide you and the church that meets in your home.


Do you feel a nudge from the Lord to gather with others to glorify God and make disciples? If so, it may be time for you to consider starting your own home church. We have included a video at the top of the page, as well as a comprehensive guide below to help get you started. But for now, let’s look at a simple overview for beginning your Home Church.


It all begins with prayer. Seek the Father and His plans for your gatherings. Take your time. Ask Him all of your questions and follow His plans. Don’t get caught up in gathering for the good of the group, be sure to gather for God and His glory. 


Who are you called to serve? Every home church will have its own mission field, and this comes by way of prayer. Keep it simple, you may want to begin by inviting friends, family, and neighbors.


Determine where you will meet and how often you plan on gathering. Home churches are notorious for wanting to linger around, so set a desired start time and end time, while being sure not to stop the flow of the Holy Spirit.


Christ is the head of the Church, so everything should center around Him and be supported by the word of God, with a goal in mind to make disciples, who will make disciples. Spend time in prayer and let God direct the teachings for your group.


It is vital that you cover your home with prayer before the meeting begins, and once it concludes. We recommend praying over the space, asking the Holy Spirit to make His presence tangible, and praying for all the members who will gather in your home.


We recommend time for fellowship and worship before diving right in. Open with prayer, and over time let others lead this. Then, make equal time for group members to share, ask questions, cover scripture, and learn how to apply God’s word to your everyday lives.


Father wants to heal us, so often the teachings He provides can lead others to recall painful memories or evoke emotion, so we recommend time for communal and individual ministry. It’s simple, ask God what they need, and be the messenger through prayer and laying on of hands.


You are now agreeing to shepherd God’s flock, so be ready to make time to chat with members of the group, answer questions, and possibly be called to lead others to deeper revelations about God and His word.

The desired outcome is that you would lead your home church for the first 12-18 months (or however long the Lord leads you), and then encourage the mature members of the group to begin starting their own home church. Then, you can either begin again with a new flock, or become an overseer for the house churches that have been birthed out of your own home.

We pray that this blesses you in being confident to start your own home church, and if you need more details, please click on the guide below.

Here is a guide to help you start your own Home Church.


Here are some ways we can help you start your home church:

  • Pray with you and offer guidance through video conferencing
  • Visit with you to help launch your home  church
  • Meet with church leaders to help setup a home church network

Much love and many blessings as you open up your homes to worship the Lord and make disciples, who make disciples.

If you have questions, please click the “Contact Us” button.