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Daily Word | “God Hears Our Prayers”| Kingdom Learners

October 6, 2022

Have you ever wondered if God hears your prayers? God Hears our prayers! The bible is filled with stories of people crying out to God and Him answering them in their time of need. Are you in a difficult place in life right now? Do you feel trapped and hopeless?

Be encouraged to know that if we ask for anything that is in the will of God, he will hear us and answer us (1 John 5:14-15). Time and time again, King David would cry out to God in prayer, and the Lord would hear him and deliver him from all of his troubles (Psalm 34:17). In Jeremiah 33:3, the Lord promises the prophet, “call out to me, and I will answer you.”

The bottom line is this, when we approach the Lord with a thankful heart, and cry out to the Him in faith, he will surely hear out prayer (Psalm 66:17-20). I encourage you to watch today’s message and see how God responded to my cry for help.

Enjoy today’s video on God Hearing Our Prayer and click the links below if you want to catch up on any episodes you have missed in our series on prayer:

  1. What is Prayer
  2. Why should I pray
  3. The Power of Prayer

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