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Daily Word | “The Power of Prayer”| Kingdom Learners

October 5, 2022

Did you know that there is power in prayer? James 5:16 says that the prayer of a righteous person is both powerful and effective. The beauty of this scripture is that God’s power is offered when we access Him by faith. It’s not about the words we speak, or how eloquent the prayer seems, rather it’s about coming to God in the righteousness of Christ.

In Matthew 8:1-4, Jesus prayers for a man with leprosy, and he was healed. Because this prayer was prompted by compassion, and offered up in faith, the power of God manifested and the leper was made clean. This concept rings true throughout the life of Christ, and spills over into the early church, and even holds true to this very day.

Watch today’s video to hear an example of how God’s power manifested through prayer to greatly effect the life of a young man.

Enjoy today’s video on The Power of Prayer and click the links below if you want to catch up on any episodes you have missed in our series on prayer:

  1. What is Prayer
  2. Why should I pray

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