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Daily Word | “How to Hear God’s Voice”| Kingdom Learners

August 5, 2022

How do we hear from God? When trying to hear the voice of God, it is important to know that he speaks to us from the inside, out. And when we sense something from God, we need to be sure to weigh it with His holy word.

Throughout the bible we see stories of God speaking to his people. Do you believer that God can speak to you? Is it possible to tune the antenna to the right frequency and pick up God’s voice? Check out today’s daily word video to see how God is speaking to you and how you can tune in to hear Him.

Today’s guest speaker is Jason Scott, with Activation Ministries. Jason and his wife Kristin help others to create a lifestyle that reflects the total surrender to God in ALL things. Do you need to be awakened, refreshed, or renewed? Are you in need of prayer for you, your family, business, etc.? Do you want to grow and have more meaningful encounters with God? If you can answer yes to any of these questions, please consider reaching out to our friends at Activation Ministry.

For more information on this topic and many other kingdom principles, subscribe to our YouTube channel, follow us on social media, or visit our Daily Word Library.