Daily Word | “God Has An Answer” | Kingdom Learners

March 15, 2022

For every problem that we may have, God already has an answer.

In Genesis 17:16, we see that there is an old man named Abram and a barren woman named Sarai, and they could not have babies, but boom: GOD provided a way.

In Exodus 20:13, we see that the Israelite’s were enslaved under Egyptian rule and they would not be released, but boom: GOD provided a solution.

In 1 Samuel 17, we see a little boy named David who stood up to a giant named, Goliath, and there is no way he could win this fight, but boom: GOD had an answer.

In the New Testament, we see the working power of Christ, who brought answers to many who had no solutions. The blind were given sight, the lepers were made clean, the woman with the bleeding issue who couldn’t find any solutions touched the hem of Christ’s garment and was made healed, boom: GOD had an answer.

In. my life, I was a drunk, an addict, and an atheist. I bucked against Him and His kingdom, but God had an answer for me the whole time, he was just kind enough to wait for me to turn my life over to HIM.

If you are struggling with depression, anxiety, self-hatred, drugs, hopelessness, a broken heart, or a broken spirit, there is a kingdom response, and that is this: GOD already has an answer for you!