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Daily Word | “What is Revival”| Kingdom Learners

May 18, 2022

What is revival? What does it mean to revive something?

Think of a plant in your house or your garden. Sometimes it may look lifeless, it may begin to wither, its leaves may turn dry. So what do we do for it? We water it. We move it into the light. We feed it some rich nutrients.

Revival is bringing something that may be dying back to life. It means to gain strength and even to regain consciousness.

This is what God is doing with the body of Christ. He is bringing us back to life. He is purifying us with the water of his word. He’s bringing us back into the light. He is feeding us daily manna and he is pouring his spirit out on us, just like the prophet Joel said he would.

Do you feel it? Do you sense it? Do you see how God is bringing new life to his Body of believers?

Revival starts in our own hearts, and in our own homes, then once we are strengthened and we regain life, God send us out to breathe life into the rest of his people.

I bless us all in seeing what God is doing right now. I bless us in spending time with the Lord so he can first revive us, then we can revive others.

Thanks for tuning in and until next time, i pray that we all spend quality time with the father so he can revive the dead things in us.