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Daily Word | “We Can’t Help But Talk About Jesus”| Kingdom Learners

May 12, 2022

Hello friends, and thanks for joining. Today we will be looking at Acts 4:20.

Did you ever wonder what happened in the early church? They waited in an upper room for weeks, waiting for the power of the Holy Spirit to fall upon them. And once it did, they went out preaching the gospel, baptizing people, leading them to a life with Christ, healing the sick, raising the dead, but it wasn’t without opposition.

Early on, they were threatened to stop talking about Jesus. In Acts 4, we see that Peter and John are brought before the Sanhedrin, and the very religious leaders that orchestrated the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus. And they commanded Peter and John to stop talking about Jesus, and they replied,

“Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges! As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”

Wow, what a bold reply. Should we listen to you, or God? You can judge, but for us, we have already determined, we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen or heard about our Lord Jesus Christ. We cannot stop talking about Him and all the wonderful things he has done.

Friends, we will have persecution in this life, but take heart, Jesus has overcome this world. How would you reply if you were threatened to stop talking about all the wonders that Jesus has done in your life and the lives of others? Would you respond like John and Peter?

Friends, I bless us all in having hearts like Peter and John, I bless us in saying, you can judge for yourselves what is better, to obey man or God. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord, and we will not stop telling about all the wonderful things Christ has done, is doing, and will do in our lives.

I bless us all in being bold and to never stop talking about all the wonderful things that we have experienced with Christ.

Thanks for tuning in, until next time, I bless us all in never being silent when it comes to sharing the Good News!