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Daily Word | “The Wise and Foolish Builder”| Kingdom Learners

May 20, 2022

Is it possible to hear the word of God and still be foolish? In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus lays out a simple understanding to help us see if we are living as wise or foolish followers? Both the wise and foolish hear the word of God, but only one of them applies what they have learned.

Which are you? Are you like the wise builder who hears the words of God and puts them into practice? Or, are you like the foolish builder who only listens to God’s word but does nothing with it?

If your house comes crashing down every time hardships happen, then maybe it’s time to take the teachings of Christ and apply them to all areas of your life.

You see, both the wise and foolish builders “hear” the word of God, but only one of them applies the word to their life. Maybe you have been going to church for a long time, and heard the message every week, but just haven’t put it to work in your life, then it’s time to become a doer of the word and not just a hearer anymore.

I pray right now that the whole body of Christ would take the teachings of Christ and put them into practice – no longer just listening to the word, and so deceiving ourselves.