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Daily Word | “Blessed are the Peacemakers”| Kingdom Learners

May 13, 2022

Hello friends, and thanks for joining. Today we will be looking at Matthew Chapter 5, verse 9 where it says “Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be sons of God.”

Before jumping into this, we need to look at the verses above where it says blessed are the meek, and the merciful, and the pure of heart. Before we dive head first into being a peacemaker, we must first recognize that peace needs to be a result of being meek, and merciful, and pure of heart. When these qualities are present, the desire to be a peacemaker is quite natural.

But let’s look at this verse, it says blessed are the peacemakers, Not just keeping the peace but making peace happen.

It blows me away that a peacemaker is one who often comes to put a war to rest. You see, in order to make peace there is often a war present. God wants us to live in such a way that we, by his power and spirit, come to end the chaos of war. To draw up a peace treaty.

The word peace means to destroy the authority that is attached to chaos. It doesn’t say that chaos won’t be present, but rather, that peace has the ability to destroy the authority attached to chaos. The enemy is always in the business of disrupting peace and causing trouble, but we, as citizens of heaven are called to be peacemakers.

Rom 12:21 says do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. As peacemakers, this means that we cannot participate in the evil around us, but that we have the opportunity to be filled with meekness, mercy, and purity so that we can create peace in times of trouble. Side-note, a peacemaker is not one who needs to compromise the gospel to appease the works of darkness, rather we are called to bring light to the situation and expose the darkness. Our battle is not with flesh in blood, it is against the workers of darkness, so, we fight this battle by bringing peace to situations, not participating in evil.

2 Co says that Jesus has given us the ministry of reconciliation, and now more than ever in my life do we need to work within this ministry as peacemakers.

Friends, I bless us all in being ones who make peace and not ones who cause strife or division. I bless us in seeing that as peacemakers we are called sons of God. I bless us in seeing that we may have to engage in the battle in order to bring peace, but that is what it means to be like Christ. Finally, I bless us in seeing that the goal is to reconcile people to God, not push them away from him.

Thanks for tuning in, and until next time, I bless us all in being peacemakers! Thanks you.