Courses | Disarming Darkness | “Put it in Motion” | Kingdom Learners

Thanks for joining this class. I pray that it has blessed you as much as it has blessed me. I pray that the Lord would give us all the spirit of wisdom and revelation that we would know him better. I thank you for becoming a kingdom learner and I look forward to hearing from you as we continue this journey together.

In this class, we discussed the following:

The difference between God and Satan, the real God and the counterfeit.

We examined the devil’s playbook and saw all the ways that God’s plans are far superior to our enemy.

We talked about what it means to TAKE A STAND against our enemy and what it means to submit or surrender to God.

We looked at the divine weapons that God has given us to tear down strongholds, or lies that we have come into agreement with

We learned what it means to put on the full armor of God
We discussed ways for overcoming temptation

We learned how to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, and that repentance is acknowledging all the ways our thoughts are hindered by the kingdom of darkness and how we can shift our focus to the Father and he can bring the lies under the authority of His truth.

We talked about repentance being linked to a heart that has sinned against God and wanting to acknowledge it through confession.

We looked at how forgiveness has the power to cancel the case that the enemy wants to use against us and others.

And we looked at all the ways that Christ is supreme to the workers of darkness.

NOW, it is time to put these things to practice

James 1:22 says, do not be hearers of the word, and so deceive yourselves, but rather be doers of the word.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:24-27 that the wise and foolish builders both hear the word of God, but only the wise one puts his teachings to practice. The house the wise man stands because it is built upon the truth of the gospel, the house is secure because it puts the words of God to practice.

Jesus wants us to be doers of his word, not just hearers.

And finally, there is an element of activation.

Yes, there are workers of darkness all around us, but, Jesus has granted his authority over them to us.

That is why it says in Mark 16:17-18, and these will be the signs of those who believe in me: In MY NAME, they will cast out demons, speak a new tongue, heal the sick.

Matthew 10:7-8 shows us how Jesus sent out his workers with power and authority and told them to preach the Good News, heal the sick, cure diseases, and drive out demons.

When he sends us, he equips us with power and authority from on high.

At the end of his teaching in Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus says, ALL authority in heaven has been given to me: NOW GO forth, making disciples of ALL nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, son, and holy spirit. Teaching them to obey ALL that I have taught you And, I will be with you ALL the days of your life.

This power is granted to us so that we would bring glory and honor to the Father. We are given this authority to be citizens of heaven, while here on earth.

But, we must be careful with this. With great power and authority comes great responsibility. Jesus says, do not rejoice because the demons obey you, rather rejoice because your name is written in the book of life.

He tells in Matthew 7:22-23, many will say to me, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons, and in your name perform many miracles. Then I will declare to them, I NEVER KNEW YOU, depart from me you evil doers.

We have been given authority, but it comes by way of intimacy. Jesus wants to be the ruler of our hearts, our minds, and our souls. He wants to be our everything, and the power and authority come from being with him.

I thank you for being a part of this course and I pray that you will be filled with the Holy Spirit and led by him all the days of your life.

Stay in touch with us by visiting and feast on our daily words of encouragement. Sign up to receive notifications of our upcoming classes. We look forward to doing life alongside you and we bless you in your journey to being conformed into the image of Christ.

We look forward to seeing you soon. Much love and many blessings!

Danny Ciamarra
Founder and Director
Kingdom Learners